About the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network
Prayer Resources
To order copies of our Daily Prayer Pathway card and other useful resources, just send us a message on the Contact page (UK nations only).
The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (formerly the Apostleship of Prayer) is the largest prayer-group in the church, active in 97 countries. We pray and work to meet the challenges of the world identified by the Pope in his monthly intentions, while walking a spiritual path called the “Way of the Heart.” Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Christ has been at the heart of our mission since our beginnings, over 175 years ago!
Each morning, apostles of prayer offer the day ahead to the Heart of Christ, in union with the Pope’s Intention for the month. In the evening, following the insights of St.Ignatius of Loyola, we review the day prayerfully, to grow in awareness of Christ’s call and our response. For this, we can use the Daily Prayer Pathway.
It’s a Pontifical Service entrusted to the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) by the Holy See. After a process of renovation begun by Pope Benedict XVI and the then-General of the Jesuits, Fr.Adolfo Nicolas SJ, RiP, its new Statutes were confirmed by Pope Francis, at a major gathering in in Rome on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, June 2019. We are now a Pontifical Foundation, a canonical and Vatican legal entity.
At that international gathering, The Pope reminded us that “the heart of the Church’s mission is prayer” and the current Jesuit General, Fr.Arturo Sosa SJ, re-affirmed the Jesuits’ commitment to this work.
What’s our mission? What do we do? You’ll find a lot in the pages of this site. We make known and pray the intentions of the Holy Father for the challenges that face society and the mission of the church. As the largest prayer-group in the Church, we offer our Prayer Pathway, a way of the heart, as a tool for shaping our hearts to become more like the heart of Christ, open in compassion for everyone and all of creation.
On the First Friday of each month we release The Pope Video in which Pope Francis personally presents his Intention for the month. You can see those videos on this site and on its own YouTube channel. Each First Friday is a World Day of Prayer in the church for the Pope’s Intention of that month. Our Click-to-Pray website and downloadable Apps offers 3 moment of prayer each day and lots of other features.
Welcome to our site and to praying with Pope Francis, together with hundreds of thousands of Apostles of Prayer worldwide! Don’t hesitate to get in touch. And let’s pray for each other too!